Tuesday, October 20, 2015

We're Back!

Classes have started up again! So far this year, we have voted for our new class officers, we started going to the YMCA, we got brand new tablets, and started up our old classes like Arts and Crafts, Science and Nature, and Book Club.

In Blogging class this year, we are creating our own blogs but we will still be updating our class blog. 

If you'd like to check out our personal blogs, the links are below. 

Sarah: www.basketballsarahnba.blogspot.com
Erin: www.erinlovessnowball.blogspot.com
David: www.davidcameron49erfan.blogspot.com
Alexis: www.alexislovesbrainbuttons.blogspot.com
Courtney: www.courtneyfrasersinger.blogspot.com
Monique: www.moniqueglasper.blogspot.com
Rachele: www.rachelemarlar.blogspot.com

Life Skills Blogging Class